يحول الوحدات الصحية الى fixure units خاص وعام private & public
يحسب سعات المضخات العامة والخاصة
والخزانات العلوية
وال losses
وال hammer
وحاجات تانية
nekheltou essekker wa elbayedh wa ezayet heta idhoube sekker nedhifou elmakadir eloukhera et puis nezidou elfarina bechewiya hetta tewelli 3ejina moutamassika bessah machi bezzaf lazem teji khefifa bache elhalwa hacha
noukassimou el 3ajina 3ala thala
noudhin ssiniya laycette kabira jiddan, noubassit el3ajina eloula wa nada3ouha dakhila essiniya, thouma nadhinou satehaha bi la confiture thouma noudhifou eltabaka enthaniya wa nadha3ou 3alayeha aydhan la confiture thouma noudhifou etabaka ethalitha wa elakhira
noudkhilouha fi elfourne ouki tib natha3 fawekhaha chocolat wa nouzayinouha be la noix de coco avec kawkaw aw chi akher, ki le chocolat yenchef ket3iha 3ala chakel mekr
PS: youmkin an noulawin etabaka ethaniya bi elkakawoutat wella mouraba3at, bache tekoune chabba keter
oumatenssaweche kebel tethekbou be la fourchette koula tabaka
bache mayekouneche 3endek des trou vide dakhel elgateau kitib
matensaweche jarbouha ourdounni belakheber, je vous assure que a chaque fois tekhelass te3awdouha kima henaya :biggrin:
الصور المرفقة DSC07654.jpg‏ (166.7 كيلوبايت) DSC07655.jpg‏ (165.0 كيلوبايت)