اللغة الأنجليزية السنة الثانية ثانوي

list of nobel peace prize

2022 تعليم_الجزائر/75px-Ebadi.jpg[/IMG] Shirin Ebadi
Iran "for her efforts for democracy and human rights. She has focused especially on the struggle for the rights of women and children."[102] 2022 تعليم_الجزائر/75px-Wangari_Maathai_in_Nairobi.jpg[/IMG] Wangari Muta Maathai Kenya "for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace"[103] 2022 تعليم_الجزائر[/IMG] International Atomic Energy Agency United Nations "for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way"[104] تعليم_الجزائر/75px-Mohamed_ElBaradei.jpg[/IMG] Mohamed ElBaradei Egypt 2006 تعليم_الجزائر/75px-Grameen_Yunus_Dec_04.jpg[/IMG] Muhammad Yunus Bangladesh "for advancing economic and social opportunities for the poor, especially women, through their pioneering microcredit work"[105] تعليم_الجزائر[/IMG] Grameen Bank 2007 تعليم_الجزائر[/IMG] Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change United Nations "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"[106] تعليم_الجزائر/75px-Al_Gore.jpg[/IMG] Al Gore United States 2008 تعليم_الجزائر/75px-Martti_Ahtisaari.jpg[/IMG] Martti Ahtisaari Finland "for his efforts on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts"[107] 2009 تعليم_الجزائر/75px-Official_portrait_of_Barack_Obama.jpg[/IMG] Barack Obama United States "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."[108] 2010 تعليم_الجزائر/75px-Liu_xiaobo.jpg[/IMG] Liu Xiaobo[G] China "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China"[109] 2011 تعليم_الجزائر Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Liberia "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work"[110] تعليم_الجزائر/75px-Leymah-gbowee-at-emu-press-conference.jpg[/IMG] Leymah Gbowee تعليم_الجزائر Tawakkul Karman Yemen 2012 تعليم_الجزائر[/IMG] European Union (EU) Europe "for [having] over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe."[111] 2013 تعليم_الجزائر/75px-HQ_of_OPCW_in_The_Hague.jpg[/IMG] Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons International "for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons."[5] See also

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think you so much

thank youتعليم_الجزائرتعليم_الجزائرتعليم_الجزائر


العلوم الطبيعة والحياة السنة الثانية ثانوي

مشروع nobel peace prize

voila mon projet

السلام عليكم ارجو وضع اسم البرنامج الذي اتجز به هذا الفيديو

تعليم اللغة الانجليزية

?Who is Muhammad peace be upon him

Muhammad (peace be upon him) was an illiterate, but wise and well-respected man who was born in Makkah in the year 570 C.E., at a time when Christianity was not yet fully established in Europe. His first years were marked by the deaths of his parents. Since his father died before his birth, his uncle, Abu Talib, from the respected tribe of Quraysh, raised him. As Muhammad (pbuh) grew up, he became known for his truthfulness, generosity and sincerity, so that he was sought after for his ability to arbitrate in disputes. His reputation and personal qualities also led to his marriage, at the age of twenty-five, to Khadijah, a widow whom he had assisted in business. Thenceforth, he became an important and trusted citizen of Makkah. Historians describe him as calm and meditative.

Muhammad (pbuh) never felt fully content to be part of a society whose values he considered to be devoid of true religious significance. It became his habit to retreat from time to time to the cave of Hira, to meditate near the summit of Jabal al-Nur, the "Mountain of Light", near Makkah.

At the age of 40, while engaged in one such meditative retreat, Muhammad (pbuh) received his first revelation from God, through the Angel Gabriel. This revelation, which continued for 23 years, is known as the Quran, the faithful recording of the entire revelation of God. The first revelation read: «"Recite: In the name of your Lord Who created man from a clot (of blood). Recite: Your Lord is Most Noble, Who taught by the pen, taught man what he did not know."» [96:1-5]

The first convert to Islam was Khadijah, whose support and companionship provided necessary reassurance and strength for Muhammad. He also won the support of some of his relatives and friends. Three basic themes of the early message were the majesty of the one, unique God, the futility of idol worship, the threat of judgment, and the necessity of faith, compassion and morality in human affairs. All these themes represented an attack on the crass materialism and idolatry prevalent in Makkah at the time. So when he began to proclaim the message to others the Makkans rejected him. He and his small group of followers suffered bitter persecution, which grew so fierce that in the year 622 C.E., God gave them the command to emigrate. This event, the Hijrah (migration), in which they left Makkah for the city of Madinah, some 260 miles to the north, marked the beginning of a new era and thus the beginning of the Muslim calendar. During his suffering, Muhammad (pbuh) drew comfort from the knowledge revealed to him about other prophets, such as Abraham, Joseph, and Moses, each of whom had also been persecuted and tested.

After several years and some significant battles, the Prophet and his followers were able to return to Makkah, where they forgave their enemies and established Islam definitively. By the time the Prophet died, at the age of 63, the greater part of Arabia had accepted Islam, and within a century of his death, Islam had spread as far west as Spain and as far east as China. It was clear that the message was not limited to Arabs; it was for the whole of humanity.

The Prophet’s sayings (Hadith), are also believed to be revelation. The ****** of sayings collected by his followers and scholars is about 10,000. Some typical examples of his sayings are as follows:

“"To pursue knowledge is obligatory on every believing (man and woman)."” [Ibn Majah]

“"Removing a harmful thing from the road is charity."” [Bukhari, Muslim]

“"Those who do not show tenderness and love cannot expect to have tenderness shown to them."” [Bukhari]

“"Adore Allah (God) as though you see Him; even if you do not see Him, He nonetheless sees you."” [Bukhari, Muslim]

Although Muhammad is deeply loved, revered and emulated by Muslims as God’s final messenger, he is not an object of worship.

thank u thank for this nice topic god bless u