وجدت هذا الكتاب المفيد جدا واحببت ان تطلعوا عليه
تعد فئة ذوي صعوبات التعلم بمثابة إحدى فئات التربية الخاصة
تابع المزيد والاهم عند تحميل الكتاب
وجدت هذا الكتاب المفيد جدا واحببت ان تطلعوا عليه
تعد فئة ذوي صعوبات التعلم بمثابة إحدى فئات التربية الخاصة
تابع المزيد والاهم عند تحميل الكتاب
Alexander Graham Bell was a great inventor. He was born on March 03rd* 1847 in Scotland. In 1863* he stopped his music studies and went to Canada. He became a teacher at Boston University in 1873. In 1876* he invented the telephone. He died on August 02nd* 1922 in Canada.
Part One: (14 pts)
A / Reading Comprehension. (8pts)
Activity one: Read the text and answer these questions. (3pts)
1- What was Alexander Graham Bell?
2- When was he born?
3-Did he die in Scotland?
Activity two: Write “True” or “False”. (3pts)
1-Alexander Graham Bell was born in Canada.
2-He was a student at Boston University.
3-He died at the age of 75.
Activity three:
1- Find in the text the synonym of the following word: (1pt)
made =……….
2- Find in the text the opposite of the following word: (1pt)
was born ≠ ……….
B / Mastery of Language. (6pts)
Activity one: Write the ******s in full. (2pts)
1st = …………… 2nd = …………… 3rd = …………… 4th = ……………
Activity two: Fill in the table. (2pts)
past simple
– to write
– to ……………
– ……………
– made
Activity three: Turn into negative. (2pts)
1-He went to Canada.
2-He invented the telephone.
Part Two: (6pts) Written Expression.
Use this table to write a short biography about Louis Pasteur:
Louis Pasteur
27/12/1822* France
vaccine against rabies / 1885
[IMG]file:///C:DOCUME~1aekLOCALS~1Tempmsohtmlclip11clip _image001.gif[/IMG]غير مسجل
موفق بإذن الله … لك مني أجمل تحية .
المكتبة المدرسية الشاملة: مركز مصادر التعلم عبد الشافى، حسن محمد
الحجم : 7.5 MB