اللغة الإنجليزية السنة الرابعة متوسط

ارجووووووووووووووكم ساعدووني

اريد حل الانشطة ص18 في مادة الانجليزية رابعة متوسط احتاجه غدا وشكراتعليم_الجزائرتعليم_الجزائرتعليم_الجزائر

و الله حبيبة انا مازال مانوصل لل4 متوسك ان شاء الله يساعدوك الآخرين

ها هو النشاط ص 18

Step one: Brain storming
The learners are asked to open their books on page "17" and try to interpret the situations given; [VAKT= Manual’s
picture page 17]
the teacher may help them by asking the following questions:
• Where do the situations take place?
• How many persons can you see,
• Who are they?
• What are they doing?
• Are they having an Algerian food?
• What’s the name of the fast food?
Step two: The teacher listens to the learners’ interpretations, and then asks them to go to page "18" and try
to describe the two pictures, in order to prepare them for "Task 1p18"
During -listening:
Step three: Describing Food
The teacher explains the instructions of the "task", and then invites the learners to work on their rough copy
Task 1p18: Look at the pictures and try to answer the following questions.
What kind of dish is it? Its [ fried chicken – hamburger –chips and a drink]
What’s the most popular in the world? It’s the hamburger.
Which restaurant makes it? It Mc Donald’s.
Step four: The teacher invites the pupils to correct "orally" the task, then he tries to make them talk about
this kind of food and try to compare it with their daily one & what do they think about junk food and fast food.
Step four: The teacher explains the instructions of the next task and asks them to take their pencils, listen to
his reading [twice]of the script then try to correct on their books. [VAKT= Manual’s script page 165]
Task 2p18: Listen to the teacher’s reading and try to answer the questions on page 18.
A. There are Two (2) speakers.
B. Abd-el-Kader "Algeria" and Ronald "U S A "
C. They’re talking about food and restaurants.
D. No, they’re not angry with each others, they’re teasing each others.
E. By the end they’ve decided to go and have something to eat.
Step five :Post -listening: The learners are asked to give their answers, and then the teacher invites them to go
to page165,He reads the dialogue and invites the learners to underline some expressions and words .Later the
learners are invited to perform the dialogue by pairs then check their answers. (On their books)

شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا جزيلاااااااااااااااااا

*الصورة 1
chicken tandori
*الصورة 2
yorkshire pudding

****مع افضل تحياتي لكم ولكي يا اختي المتسائلة

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